Region Training Conference (RTC)
This page is your one-stop spot for everything related to RTC!
The Region 5 Training Conference is a full day of spirit, in attendance by Key Clubs from all across the region. The day begins with icebreakers and workshops, expanding on what Key Club is and does. The biggest highlight, by far, is the spirit rally. We’re first competing against other clubs in Division 28 North for the chance to rise above. In the second round, we compete with each division's winning club for a chance to earn the coveted Spirit Stick. Afterwards is a huge dance (which A-Tech totally rocked last year). Hope to see you there!
This year's amazing shirt was designed by Secretary Jessica Marie Dimalanta!
Pre-RTC notes
What to expect on Saturday!
When you arrive at Centennial High School, look for A-Tech Key Club! We'll be the black-shirted bundle with the purple, teal, and orange spirit gear! Sign in, then pick up a water and a Region 5 shirt. Be sure to get hairspray and red-orange streamers from people who have some. Let's look our BEST! During the day, we'll travel across the campus to our different workshops. As a club, we will be separated, but be sure to make ourselves known by cheering whenever we can. There is a spirit stick for the club that is most spited for the entire event! During the Spirit Rallies, Halley, Floyd, and Brandon will lead while the rest of the board will be with you in the crowd. Dress Code!
Appropriate Photo ID's:
You will be kicked out of RTC if your ID does not match your name tag or if you forget it; this will be highly enforced! (Out-of-date ID's are fine.) |
When: Saturday, October 12th, 2013
Where: Centennial High School Time: 8:00am - 8:00pm Theme: Supernatural 10200 W Centennial Pkwy | Las Vegas, NV 89149
Bring Spirit Gear if you can!
Purple and Teal are our colors!